If you’re looking to bring your website to life and capture your audience’s attention add some animation!
Animation is a fun and engaging way to increase visitors to your website and drive conversions. However, it’s very easy to get carried away with it so it’s imperative that you find the fine line between making the most of animation on your website and creating a site that’s overwhelmed with too much activity. The key to creating an engaging website today is to make sure that every animation you use serves a purpose, be it to make it more attractive, easier to use or better for navigation. If you add too many you may slow down your site which isn’t good for any user experience.
A good way of utilising animations on a website is to use them to engage users as a page loads. You can use the animation to deliver a unique experience, or to get across the ethos of your brand. Particle animations can also be utilised to be interactive or non-interactive, and they’re a great way to stop visitors from feeling annoyed when a page takes too long to load.
In addition, an animated background can be an excellent way to make your website stand out from the crowd. However, it’s important to remember that excessive animation has a habit of making your site slower and more clunky than it needs to be. Furthermore, micro interactions, (quick and simple animations provide visual feedback and information when you interact with a specific element) are fantastic if you make them as subtle as possible and they can be as complex or as basic as you choose. You can use them to highlight if a feature is switched on or off. You can also let users know when actions are successful, such as contact forms, showcase information like prices on tables, animate icons on your site to encourage action and even find themes and plug-in’s that come with options built in.
Carousels are also a great way to use animation in web design. They’re great for showing off useful information such as what a website has to offer, or which deals are available. You can also give your users control over how quickly an image transitions or you can implement automatic movement.
Sliders can also be implemented which are great to show off products, display testimonials from customers and more. It’s a great way to compress a lot of useful information into one small space on a site.
To sum up the most important thing for most designers to remember with animation and web design is that it’s entirely possible to have too much of a good thing. When it comes to creating amazing designs for your clients, you can take advantage of animation to encourage more engagement and a unique experience. However, don’t go over the top! Make sure you make the visitor experience compelling with the right animation choices.